
backyard heaven

we've moved in to a great little house just blocks from the beach. the night we moved in john and I stood out under our carport and we could hear the waves crashing. life was looking up for us. our little place is a bit larger than the last rental was inside with a bigger kitchen and an extra bedroom but the biggest upgrade for our little family is the backyard. we are in heaven. it's like a new lease on life. When the cousins come over we have a place for them to romp around. Goldie spends hours in the backyard coming in with sweaty cheeks and curly hair for drinks and "rests." the backyard just got better last weekend when we spent the best 15 bucks of the year so far and got ourselves a pool.

 we'll be spending most of our summer back here.


  1. Shelly these pictures are so priceless!! We do love that backyard too!

  2. i love that bottom one of you 2 together. so cute. she is such a busy little one.


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