We had yet another wonderful lunch with our cousins and aunts. It was so fun eating all of the delicious food and having great conversation... and of course seeing each other's babies. We missed you all that weren't there. Thanks for all of the effort put in to making this happen. Love you Guys!
For the FIRST time today Goldie...
oh and ...
These 2 love each other
these pics were snapped before the big fall
So my baby's 1st birthday has come and gone... i cant believe that she has been here for a year. In some ways it seems like I cant remember life before her .... but then i can remember the night she was born like it was yesterday. She is our little princess. She is such a happy, strong willed, busy body. She has a great sense of humor already. She and her dad can make funny faces at each other and laugh out loud all day. Some of my favorite things about her are... her beautiful, curly, goldish hair and those dark brown eyes... her cute little voice that i hear all day long as she tells me about the things she is working on... the fact that she loves to play with my hair, and her own...I Really love it when she gets tuckered out and just wants her mama to hold her. I love everything about my baby girl.
John's parents were able to fly in for the birthday party. She has had so much fun spending time with her Grammy and Papa. Our little doll face has the great honor of sharing October 9th with her aunt, my little sister, Kara. Kara is notorious for her "birthdays". She celebrates all month long... her birthday week leading up to it is full of birthday breakfasts, birthday lunches... followed by birthday shopping trips (or birthday returns).... and of course her many birthday dinners... Yes for a whole week. And for the remainder of the month, any occasion that we eat out or we decide to do anything that is not the daily grind it is deemed a birthday _____ (you name it.) thank heavens for October 9th. With out it 2 of my favorite people in this whole wide world would have to have been born on the 8th or the 10th. Happy Birthday Kara and Goldie!
It gets real crazy at Aunt Kara's house
but it's safe to say that a dance party will ensue
The girl has got rhythm
Yes the Golds is officially walking... She is cruising around like an old pro. Today I was working in the kitchen and here she came just walking around the corner.... like she's been doing it her whole life. I can't believe she is almost one! Too fast.
Soon to be Mr and Mrs
While we were waiting for our table we stopped in at a little boutique and found this red hat.. Gold wore it the whole time we were browsing so... her dad had to get it for her... she loves it so much she wore it all during dinner and will wear it for hours around the house. She is SO cool.