I cannot believe how big these kids are getting. When I saw this picture it really hit me. Don't they look like a bunch of big kids out playing in the driveway!

the beloved cozy coupe

Goldie would NOT leave the coupe for fear that Kate might swoop in

which she did ( I love that G is in the background playing)

This little Goldie was SO brave at her well baby visit. The nurse was treating her like a big girl and was casually telling her that she was going to measure her and take her temperature and she even had Goldie stand up on the scale... Goldie was feeling pretty good. So when the time came for her shots, I took the nurses lead and starting talking to Goldie about how the nurse was going to come back in the room and she was going to have to lay up the table and pull up her pants and that the nurse was going to give her a "pokey". I even told her that the "pokey" was going to hurt but that it was ok because we could have candy after the "pokey". It worked. She was prepared for the shot and only let out a little whimper... i think she would have cried more if she didn't have this Dora bandaid put on it immediately. This picture was taken 3 days after our appointment... she didnt want to take that thing off. She would check on it through out the day... I'd hear her say "there she is" and she'd have her shorts pulled up pointing at her bandaid.