My darling darling turned 27 today
I am so glad he is ours
I’m grateful that almost 4 years ago we found each other
Life is good with this man
We love each other
We love our little Goldie
He is always so nice to me and wants me to be happy
He makes me so unbelievable happy
He is so smart and talented, devoted to his family and his beliefs
He is a natural father
Pretty much... he is PERFECT
And not to mention so so so good looking
I am so glad he is ours
I’m grateful that almost 4 years ago we found each other
Life is good with this man
We love each other
We love our little Goldie
He is always so nice to me and wants me to be happy
He makes me so unbelievable happy
He is so smart and talented, devoted to his family and his beliefs
He is a natural father
Pretty much... he is PERFECT
And not to mention so so so good looking
Babe went out of town today so we had to celebrate yesterday!
Heres to you my darling
Heres to you my darling

Love you babe. We miss you!