I am totally in love with my girls. As I sat and had happy thoughts about my children quietly sleeping in my tidy house hearing my dishwasher running i was grateful that my kids were down for the night. It had been a little while since we had tucked them in and left them to fall asleep and I assumed they had drifted off already. After a mention to my man of how the kids were so tired and must have gone right to sleep i heard some giggling and talking from their room. Most nights this kind of funny business leads to requests of water or a string cheese, im a sucker, or, in worse cases, all out anarchy where bedtime is foiled all together. But tonight they were great. Perfect little roommates. My little girls get along so well. They love each other and are nice to each other. Goldie is usually quick to share of go with out to avoid the wrath of the Haze. This is key to their budding friendship. I love seeing my girls being friends. I am so lucky to have my 2 healthy little beauties. Here are some pictures of the girls doing what some of their faves.
Mom and Dad's
Beaching it one last time
I've been "folking"
Circle of MOMS
Check it out people. They like us. And if you do too vote for our blog. I have been a bad blogger but I have many pictures to come and adventures up our sleeves. We head out tomorrow for our trek across the country.
Daddy time
We have a short little window of time where we can spend some qt with dad these days. The girls love their dad. He is much more fun than I am. He plays pretend and talks in silly voices. Goldie loves showing and telling eveything to daddy. All through out the day she will say "I'm gonna show my daddy this and he's going to say" ( with a scrunched up nose) "what theHECK". He is always on her mind. As far as haze goes... She has just started calling me mama and not daddy. You get the point.
Wrestling around with daddy and taking pretend naps.

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