
I've been "folking"

We are still alive.  We're here in Utah.  John started school already and our life is moving right along. This summer was busy with moving all around. John was busy selling alarms and working with his partner, and brother in law, Nate, on FOLKSTORY.  There have been many releases in our Beta stage and we are still working hard to make Folkstory the best place share, keep, and (soon) print your stories. I have been waiting for the right release to share with you and this is the one. We have just release "Share beyond Folkstory". So I can now share this Cute video along with the post I posted on Folkstory. Take a few minutes to just sign up, its free!!, and get started. Please, any and all of you. We are getting really excited about Folkstory and would love your feedback. Please email me any questions or input you might have. Open my video link and get started!

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