
Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Morning we went to the Haught's house for some amazing stuffed french toast and an Easter Egg hunt. This year was low key... we usually have hundreds of eggs and dozens of cousins searching for them frantically. There's usually tears and trading, stealing and stashing.... this Easter there was none of that. It was fun to have the kids slowly search for the most obviously placed eggs but I missed the competition and mayhem that ensues when the gates are open for the Easter egg hunt at my dad's with the whole Munns Crowd.

basket ready... she's looking excited (psych)
once again... she can barely contain herself... meanwhile Kate is looking like an Easter Dream Come True with her white gloves.
this kid knew just what to do!

The little girls got the hang of it and Goldie ended up loving it!

1 comment:

  1. i laughed out loud at kate's easter get-up and at goldie's necklace. so cute.


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