So maybe I haven't been taking any pictures but somebody has.... I am here at Kara's house looking at her pics and Hey!!!! i hit the jack pot...
these are from spur of the moment family weekend to the Ichetucknee River
(more pictures from this weekend... coming right up... next post)

How much does Shanda look like she could be our sister
Nasty Ol' Fay
UPDATE... I HAVE NOT BEEN TAKING PICTURES... we have survived the storm escaping with a slight leak in our living room ceiling... Tropical storm Fay was ugly here... i was stuck in St Cloud while Fay came through town and just about flooded out our house. the water came up to about 2 feet away from our front door. John called me when his office shut down early with an update of the waters... he said he was walking outside on the sidewalk and the water was up to his knees... someone in a kayak and a dude paddling on a surfboard had just cruised by the road behind our house... by the time i got home on Thursday the standing water around our street had been pumped out... thank heavens.
the braid brigade... while we had evacuated to Mom an Dad's house during that nasty ol' Fay... we partied til our wheels fell off... Erika and SHanda were visiting so we counted ourselves lucky that we had an excuse to have a big sleepover... V's kid's school was cancelled... we ate lots of food played lots of "canasty" and even swam through the storm... pics to come.