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Happy birthday Emily
Don't ask me what happened to the format here.
A little late for the post but Emily's birthday was couple of weeks ago and we had a little shin dig for her down in STC.
Lizzie, Uncle Ryan, Aunt Heather and Lily with Gold
Goldie with James and Caroline... Caroline always wants to hold the babiesI love it when Goldie sleeps like a grown up
Good times with Kate and Goldie
Follow this link to "playing house" by Kara. Man my life is great with my baby, my sisters and their babies. It has been so fun to be at Vanessa's house with her little guy, our newest, but not for long, Declan Lewis Quigley. He is a handsome little fellow. We are looking forward to the visits from Tiff and Lucy Lu and Leah and Ellie Girl.
Christmas in Fallon

Ezra, Lauren, Melia and Ellie
This year we were able to spend Christmas in Fallon with the Hydes. It was so fun to be in Mark and Anne's new house and to see all the family. On Saturday we flew in to Oakland through NY, our last resort to insure that we got to NV for Christmas day, rented a car and stayed in a hotel... only to wake up in the morning and drive the 5 hours to Fallon. After a total of around 22 hours of traveling we arrived Sunday in Fernley, just in time to hear Scott, John's brother, give his talk in his ward. The next week was full of eating, playing guitar hero rock band, 4wheeling, and just hanging out at the new house. Christmas day we blessed our little dear. She wore the dress I was blessed in. I tried to get her to wear the bonnet but she would not have any part of it. It was really sweet to be able to bless her with John's family, in their home. We didn't have a white Christmas but the snow did come a few days late. On Thursday it snowed a bit making some great 4wheeling conditions. On Sunday we drove out to the ranch to see Grandma and Grandpa Hyde where we stayed the night before driving to Salt Lake to see our newest niece, Lucy, and catching a red eye Monday night. It was a fun week in the West, although it felt very good to sleep in our own bed last night.

Goldie and Sophie

Goldie loves her Papa
little Melia with her princess gifts on Christmas morning

My most handsome husband fixing Christmas breakfast... dang he's good looking.

me and Ellie
Before we took the bonnet off. Look at how seriously grumpy she was with it on.
and after, much happier
Oh and we have decided that Goldie is a woman of action. She was so great through all the travels... better than she is on a daily basis. Not only that but she is a fatso too. She is getting so big. She has officially grown out of her 0-3 PJs... I hate to see her feet jammed in the footies. She is smiling and cooing and being the cutest thing. I love her. Tonight before I put her in her bed, I just held her and smelt her and kissed her a while. She is my baby.