After 18 plus hours of labor. Unphased and beautiful.
We started at 6:45 a.m. on Monday morning. We were pretty stoked. We had no idea that Shelly wouldn't dialate at all for the next 17 hours. We had her bouncing on this "birthing ball" and pumping the maximum potacin in her veins and checking every hour but nothing...it looked like we were heading for a c-section. Then all of the sudden at 12:30 am the nurse comes and checks and says, you're at a four, no a five, this might be a six! What?! Five minutes later she was at a 7, and 15 minutes after that she was at a 9. Shelly's family had all left at about 1130 and driven back the hour drive to St. Cloud. But they turned right around and were there in time to see little Goldie girl jump out of her mother's womb. It was all very exciting. Thanks for all the prayers. Check out http://www.thehaughts.blogspot.com/ for more Goldie.
So pay no attention to the count down on my Widget Baby... I am no where close to going in to labor. I am still feeling good... no contractions, no pain, just swollen feet... and not showing any signs of having this baby on my own. I will be induced on Monday... So whether the child decides to show up sooner... we will have that baby in our arms sometime, hopefully not long, after Monday morning. We will keep you posted!