So we just got the Internet set up here in our little beach side apartment... The update from the move... Some how we were lucky enough to have Kara and Sam fly out to Utah and drive across country with us. Mom, Kara and Austin, Kara's 20 month old baby, flew in with the Erika and her family
and were in Utah for the week before we left. It was nice to have some help get things packed. Tuesday night Mom flew back to FLA with Austin and Sam flew in Wednesday Morning. We had everything packed and ready to go. We cruised out of Provo Thursday morning, John and me in the
Penske pulling the car and Kara and Sam driving our truck behind us. We drove for 2 full days and stopped in Dallas to see the Jesse Hyde family for 2 days before we finished up the long drive with 2 more full days of driving. It was long journey but John is doing well at his new job and we are loving The Florida Life. I am just trying to keep myself busy before the baby comes in just 10 more weeks. I can't believe it is actually getting closer... when we first found out John was like "man it's like a year away." It practically was! My baby will be my mother's 29th grand baby and #30 (Kara's 2nd) is due in December, #31 (Tiffany's 4th) is due in January just days before #32 (Vanessa's 7th)... but don't worry... #33 isn't far behind (Erika's 5th) is due in February!!! The
Munns women are out of control!
Austin enjoying his chocolate cake... I love that mouth.
We didn't take enough photos while we were moving... but here we have a few of the helpers.

Duce and Jett were so willing to carry things out to the truck to uncle John!
The faithful Penske... she treated us right. It was practically brand new with only 9,000 miles a CD player and Great AC!

The greatest traveling companions. It was so nice to have them along! Thanks Kara and Sam!

While we were on the road to Dallas Dad called and told us to get the best meal we have ever had as a treat from him... so we did a little research on the best Steak Houses in Dallas and found one that sounded amazing! Three Forks! We were in heaven. The atmosphere was perfest and the food was the best we had ever had. It was delicious! This is me and Kara at Three Forks waiting to be seated. We took a lot more photos but unfortunately they were taken after our trip to the bathroom where we thought it would be funny to get into all the free stuff they had there.. mouthwash, lotion, and our favorite ... hairspray! It was hilarious for us and not so much for the other women in the bathroom. I'll show you just one to give you an idea. We were pretty cool.

On our way through the South, after our trip to Dallas we stopped at a gas station in Louisiana and asked where some good cookin around town was. She refered us to a place a mile back along the river... " the best crawdad in town." It was really shaddy. In fact, Sam said he didnt even want to get out of the car. It was smack in the middle of the ghetto. There was even an older Suburban parked outside that had Louis Vuitton decals all over it. We went in anyway... it was well worth it.
Keep in mind that we have been driving for 4 days now... there is a reason I look so hammered.