
an A for effort

note to self... do not use garbage can to prop up camera to take family pictures
...a human being would have been helpful enough to tell us that we were missing johns head...
oh well... we tried

...our fancy little camera has a face detecting self timer. crazy that it can really tell if you sneak a peek at the camera before you are ready...

...I love my little dear...

...and my bigger little dear...


  1. your kids are darling!!! wow beautiful! and you look fantastic girl!

  2. so, i promise i'm not a creep, but where did you find your daughter's black cardigan? wherever it is, i need to start shopping there!

  3. wow shelly - totally showing off your blue steel there, huh? love you guys!

  4. yes the blue steal creeps up every so often... love you too hays. wish you were coming to NV for christmas


tell me what you think.