
Come Bask in the Sunshine State

It's always sunny in Florida. Come visit.

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  1. I am obsessing about this picture! Goldie is gorgeous... but look at YOU in the background! GLAMOUR QUEEN! I have been asking Luke how I will ever get a tan now that I have a child! Savannah would NEVER sit under that umbrella. I am jealous on so many different levels! Good for you!

  2. I wish we could have been there! I love the way the picture looks.

  3. i'm totally there...hold that pose!

  4. sexy mama! I wish I could jump on a plane and sit there with you. Maybe after the babe is here??

  5. ok, please tell me this is a fake picture but if it's not i want to look just like that cute mommy in the backround! nice legs girl!

  6. Ok, that picture is so bright and sunny, it literly hurt my eyes. I've obviously been in grey seattle for too long. Im so jealous! Goldie is soooooooo cute!

  7. i want to go to the beach with you :) i have off this week

  8. this is the coolest picture i have ever seen. It looks like a postcard. The guy that took this has got to be wicked hot.

  9. i know im late on the comment, but i absolutly love everything about this picture. i wish i was there with you.


tell me what you think.